February 12, 2013

No second hand for you

Disclaimer: This is my opinion.

An article from GameStop discusses the issue of used game sales regarding the next generation consoles.

I am a software developer by trade, but I do not work in the game industry. As a gaming enthusiast, I constantly read about how developers do not gain any money on used game sales. As a developer myself, I will always support my fellow developers because I know the tediousness of coding and they've certainly earned every penny for the game they helped create.

February 11, 2013

Stats matter?

If there is one feature in CoD games that is the source of all the rage, it is the Stats. I remember playing countless hours of various shooter's (Tribes, CounterStrike, Quake II, TF2 ...) several years ago and none of them has ever evoked such emotion from me as CoD does today.

February 8, 2013

Go ahead, rage quit

Last night was the worst evening of Black Ops 2 ever! Nothing I did produced positive results either for my team or for myself. To make it worse, I was in a full party too.

February 7, 2013

Credit to the WiiU

As my previous post stated, I am a proud owner of a WiiU. It was my first (ever) console launch purchase and I was both intrigued and excited.


Hello and welcome to my first blog entry! I play video games. I've owned an XBox 360 since 2008, a PS3 since 2011, a Wii circa 2010, and a WiiU since 2012. Additionally, I've played on PCs off and on since 2000.