February 7, 2013

Credit to the WiiU

As my previous post stated, I am a proud owner of a WiiU. It was my first (ever) console launch purchase and I was both intrigued and excited.

Initially, the most intriguing feature was the gamepad and the asynchronous game play. However, I soon realized that the gamepad only feature was also a huge benefit. There were numerous times when I wanted to get my game on but the television was busy serving someone else's needs.

Still, the biggest credit I owe to the WiiU is the social integration of the games. Yes, the twitter-like messages that you can post while you're playing a game is my favorite part of the whole system. Do you know what that did? I began using twitter while playing Xbox and Black Ops 2. What Nintendo did with their social network was introduce me to the CoD twitter community. How's that for irony?

Because of this epiphany, I met some really cool people and one, in particular, got me interested enough to create a YouTube account so I can begin recording my gameplays.

All of this began because I was exposed to the WiiU social network. Yes, my follower count is abysmal and I have three YouTube subscribers, but so what? My multiplayer gaming now extends beyond my friends list and I've discovered a community that I didn't event know existed (rather, never bothered to discover).

Thank you, Nintendo. Twitter is great!

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