February 7, 2013


Hello and welcome to my first blog entry! I play video games. I've owned an XBox 360 since 2008, a PS3 since 2011, a Wii circa 2010, and a WiiU since 2012. Additionally, I've played on PCs off and on since 2000.

With all of these systems, I have no shortage of games to purchase. Upon purchasing, I typically enjoy the game, but eventually lose interest and rarely finish. I suppose it's a case of ADD towards video games (that's a self diagnosis and I'm no medical expert). So there's something to be said about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 when it compels me to play every night. Mind you, it's not the campaign that has my attention, it's the multiplayer. Zombies mode looks interesting, but most of my attention is currently the public multiplayer and the multiple game modes.

That random introduction is the focus of this blog. It's about video games. Games that hold my attention and my feelings towards them. Yes, CoD fills me with rage on a daily basis yet I continue to play. I am a CoD masochist.

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